[1285] Abus Bordo Lite Folding Bike Lock Picked (Model 6055)

[1285] Abus Bordo Lite Folding Bike Lock Picked (Model 6055)

https://www.covertinstruments.com Here is the referenced video picking the Border 6500: [1023] The Heavyweight Champion of Folding Bike Locks Picked (Abus Bordo 6500) https://youtu.be/Zhz9g6A_fuI If this is a product you may be interested in purchasing, consider using this Amazon Affiliate link:…

[1284] 1990’s GE Internet Lock Picked

[1284] 1990’s GE Internet Lock Picked

https://www.covertinstruments.com Video Setup So many of you have asked about my video setup… well, this is what I use. All links below are Amazon Affiliate. Microphone- https://amzn.to/2QO9CCj Lights (5,800k setting used)- https://amzn.to/3aTqz5p Light Mounts- https://amzn.to/3vzHB05 Camera- https://amzn.to/3xO4iQn Camera Clamp- https://amzn.to/3eK9o7r…

LT Padlock Tricky Binder

LT Padlock Tricky Binder

Thanks for watching appreciate all of your support 👍 Email andymacukls@gmail.com Thank you all for your feedback comments and support Stay safe and well and above all legal My website information https://bit.ly/3dkepAW *My Facebook https://bit.ly/2Csc36e *My Instagram https://bit.ly/3dkaZhv *My email:…

Supporters Question mock door picking

Supporters Question mock door picking

Thanks for watching appreciate all of your support 👍 Email andymacukls@gmail.com Thank you all for your feedback comments and support Stay safe and well and above all legal My website information https://bit.ly/3dkepAW *My Facebook https://bit.ly/2Csc36e *My Instagram https://bit.ly/3dkaZhv *My email:…

Supporters question bolt on the right none curtain

Supporters question bolt on the right none curtain

Thanks for watching appreciate all of your support 👍 Email andymacukls@gmail.com Thank you all for your feedback comments and support Stay safe and well and above all legal My website information https://bit.ly/3dkepAW *My Facebook https://bit.ly/2Csc36e *My Instagram https://bit.ly/3dkaZhv *My email:…

[1283] A Lock Picking Game Changer?

[1283] A Lock Picking Game Changer?

Get these tools at https://www.covertinstruments.com The referenced video: [1244] Schlage Deadbolt OWNED By Lishi Pick/Decoder https://youtu.be/ZCbb8ZfHsog

Imperial 5 lever

Imperial 5 lever

As you can see not everything goes to plan so you have to improvise and get the job done Thanks for watching appreciate all of your support 👍 Email andymacukls@gmail.com Thank you all for your feedback comments and support Stay…

[1282] As Seen On Shark Tank: The BenjiLock

[1282] As Seen On Shark Tank: The BenjiLock


Let’s see how this junkyard pick turned out

Let’s see how this junkyard pick turned out

Email andymacukls@gmail.com Thank you all for your feedback comments and support Stay safe and well and above all legal My website information https://bit.ly/3dkepAW *My Facebook https://bit.ly/2Csc36e *My Instagram https://bit.ly/3dkaZhv *My email: andymacukls@gmail.com Interested in purchasing tools just ask 👍

[1281] My EDC Knife vs. “Slash Resistant” Portable Safe

[1281] My EDC Knife vs. “Slash Resistant” Portable Safe

If you’re interested, here’s an Amazon Affiliate link to my EDC pocketknife: https://amzn.to/2S2xlPv https://www.covertinstruments.com